6 simple Yoga Asanas you must practice for a healthy body

 6 simple Yoga Asanas you must practice for a healthy body

Yoga Asanas are various types of exercises for our body. Yoga Asanas are the body postures which with rhythmic breathing make the body organs function well and create a positive vibration in our mind. Regular yoga poses practice benefits our body and it must be included in our daily activities. 

There are many yoga postures that can be done in standing postures, sitting postures, lying down on the stomach postures, and lying down on your back postures. Many postures are simple and some are moderate. Some more asanas need more practice to be done. At the beginning of practising yoga, you start with simple postures that are easy to practice. 

You can regularly practice the following 6 simple yoga poses for better health. Yoga poses are practiced after consulting a physician and Yoga Asanas are learned from a  yoga practitioner.

Practising Yoga Asanas is better in the early morning. You should avoid yoga practice after a meal. Practice yoga on a mat and not on bare ground. 

Here 6 simple yoga Asanas your must practice for a healthy are given with the instructions you to practice and their benefits. Ardha Chakrasana and Trikonasana are the standing poses. Janu Shirasasana and Badhakonasana are the sitting poses. Bhujangasana is lying down on your stomach pose. Naukasana is lying down on your back pose. 

    Ardhachakrasana or Half moon pose

    Stand in tadasana with hands at the sides of your body. Inhale and exhale.

    Then come to Namaskara pose with elbows stretched to sides.

    Your back, neck, the head should be straight. 

    Inhale and slowly lift your hands upward with Namaskara pose.

    Your palms should be above your head and stretched and your biceps should touch your ears at the sides. 

    Then slowly bend backward as much as possible. 

    Be in that pose for a while and slowly come back to the original pose with exhaling.

    Benefits of Ardhachakrasana 

    This pose strengthens shoulders and hands.

    The upper body is stretched and strengthened. 

    It helps to burn fat in the abdomen portion of the body. 

    It also tones the backbone and spine.

    Ardhachakrasana in Surya Namaskara

    Trikonasana or Triangle pose

    Your body should be straight.

    Next, slowly stretch your legs apart to the sides as much as possible.

    Then slowly stretch your hands to the sides of your body.

    exhale and slowly bend towards the left and place the left palm on the ground at the side of your left feet.

    The right hand should face upward and you should turn your face upward.

    Be in the position for 5-8 seconds.

    Then slowly come back to the original position by inhaling.

    Then do it for the left hand also.

    Benefits of Trikonasana

    This pose helps in digestion and treats digestive disorders like bloating, constipation and hence avoids piles.

    This asana improves the flexibility of the backbone and spine and avoids back pain.

    This pose also strengthens the legs, arms, and shoulder muscles. 

    Janushirasasana or One-legged forward bend pose

    Sit on the floor.

    Stretch your right leg forward.

    Fold your left leg and your left heel should touch your buttock.

    Then slowly exhale and bend forward to hold right feet with your palms.

    Be in this position for 5 minutes.

    Slowly inhale and come back to the initial position.

    Benefits of Janushirasasana

    This asana strengthens the spleen and gall bladder and it improves their function. It helps in digestion and improves the health of the digestive system.

    It improves the health of the liver and kidneys and strengthens the abdominal part of the body.

    It improves the blood circulation to the abdominal part.

    This pose relaxes the body and mind. 

    Baddhakonasana or Butterfly pose 

    Sit on the floor.

    Slowly inhale and fold your legs and bring the legs towards you.

    Place the legs such that heels should touch your buttocks.

    Hold your feet with your palms.

    Keep back, neck, and head straight.

    Be in this position for 10-15 seconds.

    Slowly exhale and come back to the initial position.

    Benefits of Baddhakonasana

    This asana improves digestion and avoids constipation.

    It treats menstrual problems in women.

    It strengthens the thighs and knee. 

    It improves blood circulation in the lower part of the body.

    Bhujangasana or Cobra pose

    Lay down on your stomach.

    Place your palms at the sides of your shoulders, folding your hands.

    Straighten your legs and keep the heels in an upwards direction.

    Slowly inhale, raise your head and straighten your hands.
    Raise your head such that you have to watch upward and push your chest backward.

    Bend your backbone and do not lift your waist and legs.

    Stay 10 seconds in this position.

    Slowly exhale and come to the initial position.

    Benefits of Bhujangasana

    This pose stretches the backbone and this helps to strengthen the backbone and spine. It treats back pain. 

    It also stretches chest muscles and benefits the heart and lungs. More oxygen is taken by the body.

    Blood supply to the small intestine, liver, spleen is improved and hence digestion is improved. 

    This pose brings activeness to us. 

    It treats menstrual problems in women.

    Naukasana or Boat pose

    Lay down on your back with your feet together and hands at the sides of your body.

    Inhale and exhale, slowly lift your upper body up to chest level and lift your feet upward by stretching your hands towards your feet. 

    Keep your finger and toes in a line and keep your neck straight.

    Inhale and exhale and be in this position for a while.

    Then exhale and come back to the original position and relax.

    Benefits of Naukasana

    This pose strengthens the back and abdominal muscles.

    It also strengthens the leg and arm muscles.

    The shoulder is stretched and strengthened.

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